Jim Edwards Sittichinli

Q: Where was the Hudson Bay's old fort?
They went up the Peel River and they stop where they found people fishing across from Stoney Creek... It's called now old Fort. It was a good place with lots of timber for buildings but it was low.
Not too long later... there was an ice jam at Point Separation, about 12 miles from Fort McPherson and the water back up and flooded the fort. So that's the reason they had to move.

Q: What did the original fort look like?
This was about in 1840. There was not many buildings at that time, just the Hudson's Bay Company and their helpers which was about four or five families.
They had to have that many because some had to stay all the time to look after that place with wood for all the houses and to look after the nets, while others went out hunting for caribou and moose all the time.

Q: What did the houses look like?
At the time when the company built the log houses, there was no stoves so they build fire place with clay rocks and grass. That is where they cooked their meal.
Also, it gave good heat. Then, in dark days it gave good heat in the house.

Q: What supplies did the Hudson's Bay have?
In those days there was not much white man's grub in the store. There was flour, but not much and this was given out by mug. The chief would get a little more than others in everything.
There was tea and tobacco but lots of times everything would run out before the next year supplies would come in.

Q: Did the Hudson's Bay trade for guns?
At this time some people were able to get guns which were muzzle loaders, single barrel. To get one of these you had to pile fur the length of the gun so the Hudson's Bay Co used to bring in a very long gun, which means more fur...
These guns use black powder for small game and gun ball for big games, and this has to be well looked after because there was never enough.

Q: How were people paid?
(People) didn't know how much they were getting a day, only after they get back home how much they get paid. Maybe a... gun with powder and shots or a new set of clothes. Them days a Stetson hat was something to look at. Also Hudson's Bay belt, netted kind. Also pipe and tobacco.
The only thing the Hudson's Bay Company gave out free to their good customer: a clay pipe and a piece of Irish twist toffee.